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Powerful communication

21 February 2024

Our overstimulated minds receive constant streams of information. It becomes increasingly difficult to stay focused on our message. With ever-shorter attention spans, the art of short and concise communication is invaluable. The art of conveying your message clearly and concisely is no longer just a convenient skill, but rather a necessary key to effective interaction.

1. Be direct

Avoid repackaging your message. Go straight to the heart of it: what do you want to convey? Directness increases understanding.

2. Use active words

Reinforce your message with verbs that indicate action. Active words make your message more dynamic and clear.

3. Avoid unnecessary details

Superfluous details can cloud the message. Keep it simple and clear. Make your point, avoid too much framing.

4. Keep sentences short

Focus on the essentials. What message do you want to convey? Limit each sentence to one idea or action. In written communication: reread your text, remove adjectives and break off overly long sentences.

5. Use understandable language

Avoid jargon and technical language unless you are sure your target audience understands it. Simple words avoid noise in your communication.

6. Use bullet points

In written communication, you can use bullet points.

Numbered lists and bullets keep communication clear and easy to scan. As a result, the essence is captured more quickly.

7. Tone of voice

Match the tone of your communication to the context and the relationship with the recipient.
A friendly, respectful tone contributes to clear communication.
